
Re-open Meir Station

Jack Brereton MP has launched a campaign to re-open Meir Station and is asking the local community to show their support by signing his petition to Parliament and the Department for Transport.

A new Primary Care Centre for Longton

Jack Brereton MP has welcomed Health Minister, Stephen Hammond MP, to Stoke-on-Trent South to discuss plans for a new healthcare centre to serve Longton.

Jack critical of Meadow Lane development decision

Jack has today stated his criticism of the decision of The Planning Inspectorate to grant at appeal planning permission for 227 new houses off Meadow Lane in Trentham, contrary to the City Council’s earlier refusal of permission.


Personally Speaking: Your votes will keep city on the right path

Last Friday morning saw the election of all forty-four of our City Councillors in Stoke-on-Trent. These are the people who govern the important everyday services which we all depend on and can take for granted when they are working, but which are so frustrating when they are not.

Jack asks PMQ about support for Stoke-on-Trent town centres

Jack Brereton MP asked David Lidington MP, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, standing in for the Prime Minister, about further government support for re-energising our town centres in Stoke-on-Tent at this afternoon’s PMQs.